Jumat, 05 Juni 2009


Advertisement is :
- information for persuading and motivate a people so that it will attracted the, to service and things that are affered
- information persuade and motivate people so that attracted to service and things that offer.
- A commercial solicitation designed to see some commodity, service or similar.
- A public notice
- Refers to all people. Many advertisement are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinforcement “brand image” and “brand loyalty”

Function of advertisement :
- promotion
- communication
- information

We can find the advertisement on newspaper, tabloid, magazine, radio, television, billboard, etc.
Kinds of advertisement :
- family advertisement
- announcement advertisement
- invitation advertisement
- request advertisement
- offer advertisement
- sposor advertisement
- article advertisement

In making an advertisement, keep the following points :
- The contens of advertisement must objective and honest
- Short and clean
- Doesn’t allude group or producer
- Use word that polite and logical
In making an advertisement keep the following points :
1. language of advertisement
- using the correct or suitable word
- using the interesting expression and suggestive
- using the positive comnotations
- text or advertisement should directly to the goals
2. Advertisement content
- objective and honest
- Brief and clear
- Don.t to allude group and to other procedur
3. Kinds of advertisement
- family advertisement
- invitation advertisement
- advertisement that praises grounds which advertisement
- requested advertisement
- News advertisement
- Announcement advertisement

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